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Vecta Consulting
  Vecta on Accelerating Sales in a Market
  Investing in a new market involves significant risk:
  • Will the market opportunity be big enough and develop fast enough to offset the investment cost and time?
  • How much different must the entry strategy be compared to that used successfully in the home market?
  • Are there likely to be avoidable pitfalls on the way?
  • Is there another market that offers a better return faster or at lower risk?

Just some of the questions that we can explore with you when you are considering expanding your business internationally

PDF Strategy for Export Sales  
  We advise on seven key business development stages:
  • strategising - where, when and how and with what to compete
  • hunting - identifying the hunting grounds and tactics, sector by sector, country by country, region by region
  • attracting - getting the attention of qualified prospects, especially evangelists
  • engaging - beginning the relationship, especially with evangelists
  • monitoring - keeping an eye on progress, flagging when to intensify and when to relax contact
  • nurturing - broadening and deepening the sales activity, beyond the evangelists and early adopters
  • converting - finalising the deals
PDF More on the seven stages and how we can help  
  Our approach is based on several steps, each optional and customisable to your situation:
  • an initial free and confidential face-to-face, email or phone discussion of your ambition for the UK / EU market and informal feedback
  • a modest-cost fixed-price review of your draft business plan including initial comments on the strategy, market opportunity, key risks, necessary resources, business and technology networks and partnerships, likely locations, etc
  • time-based support to develop the plan to mitigate risks, reduce timescales and increase chances of success
  • ad-hoc or interim representative support in UK as you take practical steps in the UK market and beyond
PDF V5EI: More on Vecta's Export-Invest services  

Our Strategy Experts Network is dedicated to exploring the key issues related to developments in business strategy. This involves projecting the evolution of market areas and approaches, identifying strategic business needs and understanding revenue models and valuations.

  Ask us about how we can help you expand internationally:

Vecta Consulting Limited, Mulberry House, 2 The Spinney,
Cottenham, CAMBRIDGE, CB24 8RN

Tel: +44 (0) 1954 250222, Fax: +44 (0) 1954 252333

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