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  Claflin, Gaunt, and Hauser encourage collaboration between hi-tech companies.
  Key contributions from Richard Gaunt of Autonomy, Bruce Claflin of 3Com and Herman Hauser of Amadeus Capital Partners set the scene at a recent conference aimed at hi-tech companies.

The Cambridge Technology Exchange - majored on collaboration for hi-tech growth and concluded that, while growth may be rare for hi-tech companies at the moment, collaboration remains a critical competence for companies whose products can be applied globally with little variation.

  Richard Gaunt, Autonomy's CTO, outlined how two key partnerships had helped Autonomy's success. That between himself and Mike Lynch, his co-founder, which kept them both focused on real opportunities and that with their funders which, apart from capital, opened up new routes to market.

Bruce Claflin, 3Com's former CEO, set the scene with powerful arguments for a ruthless focus on working with strategic suppliers so that internal resources are used only on those aspects of business that differentiate you from your competitors with five key rules to follow.

Herman Hauser, Founder and Partner of Amadeus Capital Partners, showed how Europeans have become much more entrepreneurial in the mobile era than they were in the PC era but warned that Europe could lose their advantage in the world of mobile data when small, highly-networked, companies are likely to prevail.

  Other sessions debated topics such as:
  • How does collaboration work in the real world?
  • What are the dos and don'ts of partnering for hi-tech growth?
  • What do growth companies really need from their partners?
  • Could Europe ever create a Microsoft, Google, FaceBook or a CISCO?
  With case studies to supplement panellist opinions the two-day conference added to the available knowledge of the importance of partnering for growth of hi-tech companies although many of the lessons and war stories apply outside hi-tech.
  We can help you decide if, how, where and when to collaborate; how and with whom.
  Collaboration is becoming increasingly necessary to maximise financial return as product development costs and risks escalate. Choosing when and where to compete or collaborate with the right partners using the right forms of collaboration is the foundation. Knowing how to collaborate effectively with a partner in one area while competing intensely with the same partner in another is adding a new dimension to product development. Changing partners from one product generation to another is also necessary to minimise the threat from disruptive technology.
  Our Operations Experts Network is dedicated to exploring the key issues related to developments in business performance. This involves projecting the evolution of enterprise and plant level functionality, identifying strategic business needs and understanding revenue models and valuations.
  Our extended network ensures we have the expertise to help you solve just about any business or technology problem.

For a copy of "Buy, Collaborate, Do: the new order" click here


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