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Vecta Consulting
  Vecta in Telecommunication
  When the Internet and Mobile communications bubbles burst in 2000 and the financiers woke up to business realities, start-up telecommunications businesses ran out of cash and most global Telecommunications players became so debt-laden they had to retrench. Some were also found to have been cheating when reporting their performance.
  Monopolies and duopolies have been established in many maturing areas but areas with greater innovation continue to spawn new companies, not all of which will survive to profitability let alone maturity.

Who can be trusted to be around next year when even the very largest can crumble within a short period? And, even if they are around, will they still have the same goals and offer the service you need? A time to be wary.

Nevertheless, despite the problems, technology moves on and competitive advantage can be gained - or lost - by choices that have to be made.

Doing nothing is not an option.

  As a communications user:
  • When should you join the tornado of users switching from today's underperforming technology to tomorrow's promising, but risky, one?
  • How can you reduce your mobile voice and data costs which now far exceed those for fixed line voice and data services?
  • Can you reduce travel cost and wasted time by better use of office automation technology or video-conferencing?
  As a communications technology or service supplier:
  • How can you bring a product or service to market, at less cost, and more profitably?
  • How can you increase your confidence that the product really is suited to the market at which it is targetted?
  • Are there other applications that you have not considered?
  • Is your business investor-ready or, if already floated, investor-friendly?
  • With whom, and how, should you collaborate to make more effective use of your network?
  As a communications investor:
  • Which telecommunications technologies are more likely to disrupt existing models and why?
  • Which telecommunications players have a better than average chance of successfully introducing the disruptive technology?
  • Who is best at attracting, regaining and retaining customers, helping achieve higher network utilisation and ARPU?
  • Who is likely to benefit most from the technology and who will make money from it?
  The market opportunity is very large. In the UK alone, some $50 billions pa of communications services are delivered and around $15 billions pa invested in communications equipment.
New PDF UK - still the prime place for Communications players to internationalise
  Our extended network ensures we have the expertise to help you solve just about any business or technology problem. And we can help when a system project goes wrong.
  What is your challenge?

Vecta Consulting Limited, Mulberry House, 2 The Spinney,
Cottenham, CAMBRIDGE, CB24 8RN

Tel: +44 (0) 1954 250222, Fax: +44 (0) 1954 252333

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